Auckland Heat Pumps – A Comprehensive Guide On How Does A Heat Pump Work

Auckland heat pumps are modern-day innovations, and we all know how crucial they are for almost every house. Where you need to understand their advantages and installation process, it is necessary to know the work process of heat pumps.
Now we are going to discuss how heat pumps work.

How Do Heat Pumps Work?

The heat pump’s primary purpose is to provide hot water and to heat a place. They work by taking natural warmth out of your place. We usually have three different types of pumps that are: ground, air, and water sources.
There are four major steps involved in the working of a heat pump. If you don’t know about these steps, here is a step-wise guide for you:

Auckland heat pumps

1. Absorption

Before doing anything else, the first thing that needs to be done is the collection of heat. Two sources are used for the absorption of heat, which are air and water. The entire process takes place in the evaporator, and the refrigerant changes from liquid to gas throughout the process.

2. Compression

As the refrigerant has been changed to gas from liquid, so we all know, gas will be compressed in order to increase the temperature. The produced heat and the increased temperature will be used to warm radiators up.

3. Condensers

Once the produced heat is used in your heating system, it will start cooling down gradually. In the end, it will be condensed back again into the liquid. The process takes place in a second heat exchanger. We all know how efficient heat pumps Wellington are, and the reason for this efficiency is that the cooler water will keep on absorbing the heat from the liquid refrigerant.

4. Repeat

The last work process of heat pumps is repeating. After the cooling down of the refrigerant, it gets passed to an expansion valve. This is where the magic happens. In the expansion valve, the pressure of the liquid is decreased and then returns to the evaporator, where the entire process repeats again.

Auckland heat pumps


Auckland heat pumps can make you have hot water without any hassle. The work process of heat pumps is not difficult to understand at all. As a homeowner, you need to have information regarding how does a heat pump work to make sure you can tackle any possible situation if you don’t have a professional.