4 Ingenious Ways To Put Metal Pipe Rails To Good Use

When you think about it, pipe rails are not something you pay attention to in your everyday life. But if you’re hiring a safety rail manufacturer, you’ll notice that they offer a wide range of pipe rail options.

Metal rails are a great way to add safety to your facility, while also making it more aesthetically pleasing. So how can you use these metal pipes in an inventive way?

Ingenious Building Safety

If you want to build a commercial structure that is safe and sturdy, you might want to consider using guardrails. Guardrails are incredibly strong and durable. They can serve as supports for walls and ceilings or even as the base for your roof or gantry systems.

You can also use them as stairways in your home or office. These metal pipes are very versatile and can be used in many different places around the house or office.

Roadside Installations

Industrial rails are perfect as a barrier to prevent vehicles from going off the road. They can also be used for aesthetic purposes, such as in a parking lot or driveway.

They are also quite useful when dealing with traffic control and other hazards on the road. The pipes can stand along the roadside to keep cars or pedestrians out of danger.

pipe rails

Outdoor Barriers

If you have multiple levels on your property, home pipe railings can be used to create access points between them. This beats having to worry about someone tripping or falling off the edge over something they weren’t able to see. You can even use them along steps if they’re sturdy enough and designed well.

Fall Arrest Applications

If you have an office or warehouse with high ceilings, you need to make sure that your workers don’t fall. You can use metal pipe rails to create a series of horizontal bars across the top of your space.

This provides a safety net for anyone who might accidentally slip. The bars should be spaced out so that they’re close enough together that people can grab onto them. But keep them far enough apart that workers don’t get their fingers caught when they try to climb down.


Metal pipe rails and guard rails are as handy and practical as they are inexpensive. Clearly, they can give your property an industrial look without costing a fortune to install.