How Plaster Cladding Boosts Property Resale

The real estate market is a competitive landscape where every detail can make a difference. One such detail that can significantly enhance the appeal and value of a property is plaster cladding. This exterior finish, while often overlooked, can be a game-changer when it comes to boosting your property’s resale value.

The Allure of Plaster Finishes

Plaster finishes have long been appreciated for their aesthetic appeal and durability. Venetian plaster, for instance, is renowned for its ability to enhance a property’s appearance and subsequently boost its total resale value. This type of plaster cladding is not merely a cosmetic improvement; it offers practical benefits as well, such as providing an extra layer of protection against weather elements.

Plasterwork requires a high level of craftsmanship, which many potential buyers appreciate. When applied correctly by skilled exterior plasterers in Auckland, it adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to a property, setting it apart from others on the market.

The Stigma Surrounding Plaster Homes

Despite the benefits, plaster homes have faced certain stigmas in the past. Some believe that these properties are more prone to moisture and water tightness issues, resulting in a lower increase in median prices compared to other building materials. However, this concern can be mitigated with regular maintenance and timely refurbishments.

plaster cladding

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Maintaining a plaster home is key to preserving its value. Regular check-ups, painting every 7-10 years, and soft house washes annually can help keep a plaster home in top shape. While maintenance does not directly increase value, lack of it can significantly diminish a property’s worth.

Recladding as a Value-Boosting Strategy

Recladding a plaster house can be an effective strategy to boost its resale value. While it’s true that re-cladding doesn’t directly increase a property’s worth, it can help shake off the stigma associated with plaster homes. Opting for a complete recladding with a more modern or appealing material can make the property more attractive to potential buyers.

The Historical Authenticity of Plaster

For historic homeowners, plaster cladding has additional benefits. It increases historical authenticity, which can significantly add to the resale value. Buyers appreciate the charm and character of historic homes, and plaster finishes can accentuate these features.

In conclusion, plaster cladding may have its controversies, but its benefits can’t be overlooked. When maintained properly and used strategically, it can significantly boost a property’s resale value. Whether you’re a homeowner looking to sell or a buyer considering a plaster home, understanding the impact of plaster cladding on property value is crucial.