Use Led Grow Lights to Grow Indoor Plants

The concept of indoor horticulture is now getting a big change since the indoor gardeners come to know the advantage of newly invent led grow lights. Light-emitting diodes are super-efficient light sources, which are not only used for home and offices, but these are also used for various applications, including automotive, aviation, and indoor horticulture.

led grow lights

When it comes to indoor horticulture, which is also known as indoor gardening, it requires a balance of a number of variables to grow the plants in an indoor environment. Whether you are growing flowers, vegetables, or some other plants, you will need a proper balance of water, nutrients, temperature, and ventilation. There you will need a light that is mainly used for indoor gardening.

Using LED lights will give you many benefits in indoor gardening, plant propagation, and for the production of the food. These lights are very helpful in many other ways, including:

  • These lights are very energy-efficient lights as compared to traditional bulbs and lights. Led hardly consumes 6 watts or 9 watts of energy.
  • They come with longer self-life, so you just need to invest once and use them for more than one decade. And their expected life is between twelve to eighteen years.
  • Unlike traditional bulbs that get warm too rapidly and are very hot to touch, these lights after several hours of operation become a little warm that you can easily touch. So these lights are again first in the race of wasting less heat.
  • Another thing that can make these bulbs best are their less weight. They have hardly one pound weight.

Other than their benefits, these are available in three colors. And these colors are used according to the growth cycle of the plant.

Blue light:

This is mainly utilized for vegetables and young seedlings

Red light:

This color light is used for leafy plants

led grow lights

Combination of red and blue light:

The combo light is utilized for mid-cycle plants

So the photosynthesis process is a little tricky because, for optimal growth of plants, each plant of different category need different wavelengths of light. So the LED lights are available in a wide variety that allows the plants to grow properly. These lights come in the list of hydroponic supplies, so you can easily find them online in various stores.

In the end, these LED grow lights are environment-friendly lights and are less fragile and pose fewer hazards to the environment.